Bear Creek/Bale Slough Restoration Project Invasive Giant Reed Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project Bear Creek is... LEARN MORE
Carneros Creek Restoration Project and Adaptive Management Plan Carneros Creek in southern Napa and Sonoma counties drains a watershed of... LEARN MORE
Conn Creek and Rector Creek riparian enhancement projects Invasive non-native eucalyptus and tree-ofheaven removal and native plant... LEARN MORE
Doak and Lincoln Creeks Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project Fish Friendly Farming program staff are working with Robert Mondavi Winery and... LEARN MORE
Dry Creek Dam Removal Project A seasonal dam on Dry Creek was recently removed through a partnership with the... LEARN MORE
Felta Creek Restoration Project As part of implementing their Farm Conservation Plan, the landowners of Green... LEARN MORE
Fire Risk Reduction for Vineyards Ca. Land Stewardship Institute (CLSI) in collaboration with CAL FIRE Sonoma-... LEARN MORE
Herbert’s Vineyard Invasive Plant Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project Working in partnership with the landowners of Herbert’s Vineyard, Sotoyome... LEARN MORE
King FARMS Enhancement Project King Farms is the site of the largest riparian habitat restoration in the... LEARN MORE
Maacama Creek Invasive Plant Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project Maacama Creek flows from the northwestern slopes of Mt. St. Helena through... LEARN MORE
Morrison Creek and Parsons Creek Groundwater Study and Revegetation Projects La Ribera and Haiku Ranch border the Russian River and Morrison Creek. Morrison... LEARN MORE
Napa River Sediment Reduction and Habitat Enhancement Plan In 2006 the California Land Stewardship Institute (CLSI) requested funding from... LEARN MORE
Navarro Vineyards Road Improvement Demonstration Project The Fish Friendly Farming program is working with Navarro Vineyards to... LEARN MORE
Rancheria Creek Invasive Blue Periwinkle Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project In 2004, Fish Friendly Farming program staff worked in partnership with Meyer... LEARN MORE
Rockaway Creek Riparian Enhancement Project Creek management practices by past owners had restricted stream flows on... LEARN MORE
Sausal Creek Restoration Project: Jackson Family Farms In 2003, working with the Sotoyome Resource Conservation District, an invasive... LEARN MORE
Suisun Creek Invasive Non-Native Arundo Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project The California Land Stewardship Institute, in cooperation with local Fish... LEARN MORE
Summerhome Park Revegetation Project The project site is located in a dense riparian forest along the lower Russian... LEARN MORE
Wine Creek Invasive Plant Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project In 2005, the Fish Friendly Farming program, working in partnership with the... LEARN MORE
Wooden Valley Creek Invasive Non-Native Himalayan Blackberry Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project This project addresses a stretch of Wooden Valley Creek about 5300 linear feet... LEARN MORE
York Creek Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project York Creek originates in the mountains west of St. Helena and flows through the... LEARN MORE